Bowen Therapy Specialist

Bowen Therapy is a PAIN FREE, gentle, rolling motion over muscles, ligaments and tendons. When the moves are applied to the muscles, messages are sent to the brain via three different channels throughout the body. The brain then processes these messages and activated the body's "fix it" army to rebalance, de-stress and eliviate pain.

Bowen Therapy is different to other body work, eg; physio, chiro, massage etc. All of these forms of body work is where the practitioner manipulates your body. Bowen Therapy is when the practitioner turns the switches on for the body to fix itself!! So, that means... NO PAIN! And, it's covered by your Private Health Fund, No pain on your pocket either!!

It's so gentle that it is used on newborn babies, the elderly and everyone inbetween. Bowen Therapy is also used on animals.

Bowen Therapy helps with the following,
ALL forms of Back pain,
Hip & Pelvic problems,
Neck & Shoulder,
Stress, Anxiety,
Respiratory- asthma,
RSI, Carpal tunnel,
Sports injuries & Muscular pain,
Jaw problems,
Headaches- migraines,
Gynaecological conditions,
Ankle- Knee & Foot problems and
all pain of unknown origin.... just to name a few.

Bowen Therapy started in Geelong, Australia in the 1950's by a man called Tom Bowen. You can read more about that on Bowen Therapy's Official website if you wish.

Bowen Therapy is now taught at Yale University in the USA and practiced in maternity hospitals in the UK.

Everyday i treat someone, I am in awe at the results Bowen Therapy can have on a persons Body, Mind and Spirit. I am thankful I have been privileged to have been able to learn this amazing work.

If you have any questions about Bowen Therapy, don't hesitate to contact me and i will endeavour to answer your query. I have tried to keep this as simple as possible and leave out all medial terms... Bowen Therapy is anything but... simple and easy to explain.
